Didn’t Leave Nobody But The Baby

Go to sleep you little baby
Go to slee9 you little baby

Your momma´s gone away and your daddy´s gone to stay
Didn´t leave nobody but the baby

Go to sleep my little baby
Go to sleep my little baby

Everybody´s gone in the cotton and the corn
Didn´t leave nobody but the baby

You´re sweet little baby
You´re sweet little baby

Honey in the rock and the sugar don´t stop
Gonna bring a bottle to the baby

Don´t you weep pretty baby
Don´t you weep pretty baby

She´s long gone with the red shoes on
Gonna meet another lovin` baby

Go to sleep you little baby
Go to sleep you little baby

You and me and the devil makes three
Don´t need no other lovin` baby

Go to sleep you little baby
Go to sleep you little baby

Come and lay your bones on the alabaster stones
And be my ever lovin` baby

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