Der einzig wahre

Das genialste heute ist eingefallen: New Series Announced: Klingon Eye for the Human Guy – Five Klingon men, out to make over the world ? one p'tak at a time.
Am Besten: Die Galerie zur MeldungBild 15!

They are the va'B Five: an elite team of Klingons dedicated to extolling the simple virtues of honor, tradition and style.

Each week their mission is to transform an honor-deficient and culture-deprived human from weakling to warrior in each of their respective categories: fashion, cuisine, grooming, ritual and honorable living.

It's a full lifestyle make-over where human guys turn in their briefcases for bat'leths, learn about bloodwine that comes in a vat, not a bottle, and come to understand why music is its most passionate at its most discordant. When the journey is done, a freshly tempered, newly enlightened, battle-ready warrior emerges.

Coming soon to QAPLA' TV!

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